

Look / いいか、考えてごらん

最初はLook。”見ろ”ではなく、注意を喚起して、これからオレが言うことを聞け、というニュアンス。Lookの後、ひと呼吸おいて喋り出すことが多い感じ。次の『ビッグバン★セオリー』 シーズン1 エピソード3の場面がまさにそう。ペニーがイケメンとキスしているところを見て落ち込むレナード。このままでは意気消沈し猫を飼いだすことを恐れたシェルドンがアドバイス。曰く、デートにまだ誘ってもいないじゃないか、とはその通りですね。最後は、レナードがすぐさまペニーを誘いに行ってしまったので、猫は買う運命にあるのか=レナードは振られるのか、と嘆きます。さて、シェルドンの予想はあたるのでしょうか??

シ:Oh, come on, Leonard...
  This is obviously about Penny.
レ:It doesn't matter.
  The woman's not interested in me.
  The woman rejected me.
シ:Okay, look. Ahem.
  You have as much of a chance of having a sexual relationship with Penny as the Hubble telescope does of discovering at the center of a black hole is a little man with a flashlight searching for a circuit breaker.
  Nevertheless, I do feel obligated to point out to you that she did not reject you.
  you did not ask her out.
レ:you're right.
  I didn't ask her. I should ask her out.
シ:No, no, no. That was not my point.
  My point was, don't buy a cat.
レ:No, but you're right.
  I should march over there and ask her out.
シ:Oh, goody, we're getting a cat.

The Big Bang Theory シーズン1 エピソード3

Here's the thing / 実はこういうことなんだ

Here's the thingはこれから話すことを聞いて欲しい時にいう表現。基本は話しにくいことが多いようです。本当の理由だったり、通常の会話では切り出しにくい事柄を遡上にのせるのに使います。

次は『ビッグバン★セオリー』シーズン1 エピソード14より。ネットオークションで某映画で使われたタイムマシーンの実物を安く買ったギーク達。部屋に持ち上げるのに階段を使ったため、ペニーが仕事に行けず怒られてしまいショボンとするレナード。深夜になってもタイムマシーンにポツーンと乗り続け、シェルドンに次は僕の番と言われて、タイムマシーン購入を後悔していることを話し出します。この時点でレナードとペニーが結ばれる(tie the knot)と予想した人はどれだけ居るんでしょうね?

シ:Leonard, it's 2 in the morning.
シ:So it's my turn.
  Why'd you set it for the day before yesterday?
レ:Because I wanna go back and keep myself from getting a time machine.
シ:You can't. If you were to prevent yourself from buying it in the past you would not have it available to stop yourself from buying it.
  Ergo, you would still have it.
  This is a classic rookie time-travel mistake.
レ:Can I go back and prevent you from explaining that to me?
シ:Same paradox.
  If you were to travel back in time and knock me unconscious you would not have the conversation motivating you to go back and knock me unconscious.
レ:What if I knocked you unconscious right now?
シ:It won't change the past.
レ:But it'd make the present so much nicer.
シ:Are you upset about something?
レ:What was your first clue?
シ:Well, it was a number of things.
  First, the late hour.
  Then your demeanor seems very low-energy.
  Plus your irritability.
レ:Yes, I'm upset.
  I don't usually pick up on those things.
  Good for me.
レ:Yeah, good for you.
シ:Oh, wait.
  Did you wanna talk about what's bothering you?
レ:I don't know. Maybe.
シ:Wow, I'm on fire tonight.
レ:Well, here's the thing.
  Girls like Penny never end up with guys who own time machines.
シ:I disagree.

The Big Bang Theory シーズン1 エピソード14