

件名: My Donation €4,000,000




My Dear

With warm hearts I offer my friendship, and my greetings to you in the name of our lord God, and I hope this letter meets you in good time, I propose with my free mind and as a person of integrity from God, I know that this message will appear as a surprise to you that we barely know but the grace of God directed me to you and I wish you read this message and be blessed in name of the Lord.

in the name ofは名において、integrityは誠実さ、graceは(神の)恩寵

さて、今回は神様(God, Lord)を全面に出してきました(笑) この手のネット詐欺では、スパム受取人が必ず持つ疑問どうして私にそんなおいしい情報を教えてくれるの?に答える必要がありますけど、神の思し召しならそこは不問に・・・



I have a brain tumor, I suffer terribly at the moment. My doctor just informed me that my days are numbered because of my health therefore condemned to certain death. Currently, I have exhausted all my savings for my medical care. But I do have some funds for my charity project, these funds are deposited in a fixed deposit in a local bank here in Benin. purposed for charitable foundation My marital status is such that I'm single because I lost my Husband for over 9 years now and unfortunately we have not had a child together, which I am no one to leave my legacy . Therefore, to release my funds I would like to make a donation so that there is no stiff tax on my money.

tumorは腫瘍、be numberedは数が限られた、maritalは婚姻の、legacyは遺産、stiffは硬直した

はい、いきなり出ました「脳腫瘍」(笑) しかも、この瞬間もひどく苦しんでいるって、あなた・・・



しかし、毎回思うんだけど、どうしてどいつもこいつも南アフリカなの?(笑) ナイジェリアの手紙とか有名だから、本当に騙したいなら南アフリカは避けても良さそうなんだけど・・・。


To this I would so graceful and in order to help the poor to give what amounts to said legacy worth Four million euros (€4,000,000.00) (Four Million Euro) to enable you to establish a charitable foundation in my memory so that the grace of God be with me until my last home so I can receive an honorable place with the Lord our father. I have no fear because before contacted you, i have for several nights prayed for the Lord God to give me the contact of a trusted person to whom I can entrust this matter and it is the result of why I am doing research that allowed me to contact you through this site.

はい、金額は重要なのでFour million eurosをカッコで2回繰り返しています(笑) メール送る前に推敲くらいしましょうよ・・・。その後はこちらの信仰心に訴えるため、再度神様を押し出してますね。神に祈り続けて、ようやく信頼できる人を見つけた、それが私ってこと。でもさ、


さて、これだけだと私にメリット全く無いじゃないですか? だって、超訳すると、「私じきに死ぬから、チャリティ組織設立するの手伝って」って言ってるだけですよね。更に続きがあるんです。

Know that you can keep half of the money for yourself and the rest will be used to create a charitable foundation in my memory and a federation in the fight against cancer and also build orphanages. I would have the following information: Your name and first name, your exact address and your permanent telephone contact so I can forward them to my lawyer to appear that you perform the procedure under deal. I count on your goodwill and especially on the proper use of these funds have something I do not doubt because I have great confidence in you that God may guide me toward you. My private E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]


な、なんと、最後に出血大サービス。5億円の半分私にくれるんだそうです(笑) そして、残りのお金はがん治療と孤児院に使って欲しいと。最後に、向こうにとって最重要なこちらの個人情報の要求です。your exact address and your permanent telephone contactの形容詞がいい味(凄味)出してますね。まじでこちらを特定しようとしてる感じ(笑)




Awaiting your prompt reply, receive my cordial and fraternal greetings.

Yours Sincerely

Mrs xxxxx xxxxxxxx



最後にいつものように講評。遺産を残す家族が居ないところから自然と「私は未亡人」を出してきたのは高評価。でも、こちらの気を引く(entice)のにはうまく使えてないね。ま、全般的に神に頼りすぎてる感じがして非常に残念でした。だって、Godって何回出てきた? もうちょっと、ストーリーを練り込んで欲しいかな。




