






最初は『Parks and Recreation』から。調子が悪いレズリーが病状を説明するのにnauseatedを使っています。さすが我らのレズリー。学が高い感じです。

薬剤師: Can I help you?

レズリー: I have the flu. Super nauseated for a few days, lot of barfing, it's a total disaster. Plus I have a ton of work to do so I need the good stuff. The Mariah needs to sing tonight stuff.

Parks and Recreation/Season 6/Episode 19


ウォルター: I don't wanna choke down 30 or 40 pills every single day, and lose my hair, and lie around, too tired to get up, and so nauseated that I can't even move my head.

Breaking Bad/Season 1/Episode 5


The Office(US)ではゲイ役のOscarが病気に。このときはまだカミングアウト前かもしれない。

オスカー: Oscar: "I feel nauseous and my heads killing."

ドワイト: Checks out.

オスカー: Michael is there anything you need from me? I'd like to go back to bed.

マイケル: I need you to go back to bed. I need you to get better. See you Monday. Unless you're still sick. So have a great long weekend.

The Office(US)/Season 2/Episode 13

意外や意外、Gilmore Girlsがまさにこちら派でした。以下は訪ねてきたパリスとローリーの会話。初恋の甘酸っぱさ一杯です。

ローリー: Before Dean, I'd never had a boyfriend. Or a kiss. I never even thought about dating.

パリス: Then you met Dean.

ローリー: Yeah. And he was so special and nice and made me completely nauseous.

Gilmore Girls/Season 1/Episode 18



シェルドン: You also made a grammatical mistake. You said "nauseous" when you meant "nauseated. "

The Big Bang Theory/Season 1/Episode 17